Saturday, October 2, 2010

FBI Raids, Anti-Muslim Hysteria and the Demand to be a “Loyal American”

By Lynn Koh

The recent raids in Minnesota and Chicago by Joint Terrorism Task Forces, including the FBI; the government organized anti-Muslim hysteria; mass round-ups and terrorizing of immigrant communities — all are part of the war drive of the imperialists and their efforts to impose fascist measures at home. They are seeking a quite homefront, with a divided and docile workforce and a silenced and pacified movement. Government impunity to commit any crime — whether directed against Muslims or immigrants and other workers, or organizers opposing war and attacks on rights — is being unleashed with greater force so as to paralyze resistance and force the peoples to submit.

Coupled with this is the conception that the problem we face is one of “extremism” and those who are “unlawful,” whether its “unlawful” Muslims, or immigrants or rights activists. The “extremism” may be of the Florida pastor variety, or it may be the activist supporting Palestine resistance, but in both cases, the “extremism” is the problem, and the government, and adherence to what it puts forward as “American” values, is the solution.

For example, in speaking to West Point graduates in May, Obama said, “Being an American is not a matter of blood or birth. It’s a matter of faith. It’s a matter of fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear.” Speaking about the Florida pastor he said what the pastor is proposing “Is completely contrary to our values as Americans… this stunt that he is talking about pulling could greatly endanger our young men and women in uniform who are in Iraq, who are in Afghanistan.” State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, echoing Obama, said, "We would like to see more Americans stand up and say that this is inconsistent with our American values; in fact, these actions themselves are un-American."

September 11, Obama invoked the pledge of allegiance, saying, “As Americans, we will keep alive the virtues and values that make us who we are and who we must always be…On this day and the days to come, we choose to stay true to our best selves — as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Is it an accident that the recent raids by “Terrorism” task forces are taking place at a time when there is such repeated emphasis that all Americans must pledge their allegiance to the values of the imperialists, such as aggressive war, genocide, racism and exploitation? That the current system, which can solve no problem and has imposed more war, poverty and environmental destruction, is “who we are and who we must always be”?! Has anyone forgotten that the pledge of allegiance was instituted during the Cold War, put into law during the hated period of McCarthyism and loyalty oaths?

Putting forward this concept of “un-American” is in part an effort to strike fear into the people’s movements and again attempt to provide justification for attacking communists and all those standing up for rights. It is a demand of loyalty to imperialism, and to the president as its representative. In the memory of Americans, this concept of “un-American” is quickly associated with McCarthyism, and its assault on communism and anyone the government claimed was associated with communism.

Today, “terrorism” is being equated with communism, and both are to be seen as enemies. These recent raids are in part an effort to give credence to this claim. Communists are among those being targeted, supposedly for “conspiracy” to provide “material support to terrorists.” The warrant used also specifically targets what it calls “the recruitment, indoctrination and facilitation of other individuals” to join, “materials related to the identity and location of recruiters, facilitators, and recruits,” and finances involved. It is organizing and building organization that is being targeted, and specifically organizing for an alternative to imperialism.

The raids and promotion of “un-American” are also a means to put those fighting on the defensive. It is the activists who are called on to say they have done nothing wrong, in a situation where the government is the one committing crimes — not only against these organizers, but against the peoples of Palestine, Colombia, Afghanistan and Iraq and many more worldwide. These raids are an effort by the government to silence and isolate the communists in particular, while also targeting the anti-war movement, including efforts to support resistance abroad.

As communists facing attack, silence is not possible. We stand proudly in the forefront of the anti-war movement, the immigrant rights movements and all the struggles of the peoples for their rights. We organize openly and without fear, while acting to safeguard our ranks and those of all the fighting forces. Organizing against U.S. imperialism and all its crimes is our main contribution to the struggles of the peoples worldwide. Standing to affirm the right to dissent, the right to resist and to support resistance worldwide is a contribution to progress which we and all those standing for rights are contributing to.

It is the U.S. imperialists that are the criminals. It is they who are terrified of the reality that there is one humanity rising against imperialism and war. The alternative of people’s empowerment is on the agenda and we communists will remain united with the people in the forefront of this battle for a new society that guarantees the rights of all.

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